SPIRIT, BODY AND MIND Challenge – 90 days

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Become the best version of yourself

Welcome to the Rockdidit University Internship Program, a comprehensive training initiative aimed at holistic development that encompasses the 3 fundamental elements to generate permanent change: spirit, body and mind.


Our goal is to equip interns with skills, knowledge and experiences that will fuel their growth and expansion through our 90-day program.

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What We Offer

More than training, we offer an actionable method to achieve your personal and professional fulfillment, addressing Spirit, Body and mind as elements that make up your being. Create balance, expansion and success with our supportive environment and internship program so you become the leader of the life you want.

Why choose this program?

Just as the human body is made up of organized systems that function to sustain life, these being dependent on each other, the same is true of the Being.

The Being, seen as a system, must be worked on in each of its areas so that there is a real and permanent change in its entirety. The impact we achieve in one area will have an influence on the others and vice versa, a dynamic that makes our method an effective, actionable program that generates transformation, by impacting the main systems: spirit, body and mind.

Day 1-30, Entering The SPIRIT

Promotes spiritual and holistic well-being through natural sources and practices.

What You Will Learn

Day 31-60, Working The BODY

Develops physical endurance, resilience and mental tenacity.

What You Will Learn

Day 61-90, Beyond the MIND

Increase the profitability of your company and develop its maximum potential.

What You Will Learn

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